7 effective ways to engage on twitter for your landscaping or paving company

7 Effective Ways to Engage on Twitter for Your Landscape or Paving Company

About eighteen months ago, I opened up a Twitter account for our flagship brand Go iLawn. Then about six months later, I started up the Go iPave Twitter account. And guess what…I LOVE Twitter! It’s fun, informative and allows you to easily connect with your customers and industry peers in an informal setting. Plus, there are a lot of landscape and paving contractors, suppliers, media outlets and trade organizations that are sharing some great stuff on Twitter.

Although I enjoy tweeting, I must admit sometimes it feels like our twitter account is hungry for content. So every so often I’ll take a break from purusing the twitosphere and look for resources to help me do a better job with our tweets. In doing so, I recently came across this cool infographic that shares 7 effective ways to engage on Twitter. Whether your considering tweeting, you’ve just gotten your account going, or you’re a Twitter pro, these tips are worth taking a look at.

7 Effective Ways to Engage on Twitter

  1. Promote Others- Make sure you retweet your most passionate followers. Thank them and link to their social properties. ##FF (follow Friday) and #Recommend others and their work.
  2. Be the First to Break the News- Your followers will come to rely on you as an expert and will foster the conversation around your tweets.
  3. Infuse Personality into your Profile- Use a real picture of yourself and highlight your passions in your bio. (Or use your logo for your profile picture, and a picture of your team for your header picture.)
  4. Ask for a Retweet- Ask and you shall receive: a call for them to “please RT” could make your tweet go viral.
  5. Tweet Again- Schedule multiple tweets in advance during multiple days. There’s a good chance that most of your followers won’t catch your first tweet. (This is a tip I personally am going to try to remember more. Sometimes I find great articles that I think our followers would love. Sharing them more often would hopefully allow more people to see our tweets that feature them.)
  6. Connect People- Be a connector in real life and on social networks. Your credibility goes up and people are more likely to engage with you.
  7. Leave Space- If you want to be retweeted, leave the room for others’ Twitter handles and a little space so they can add a brief comment if they retweet. (Leave at least 30 characters is a good rule of thumb.)
  8.  Follow @GoiLawn and/or @GoiPave Sorry. Just had to add this one to the list.


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